First post in almost two years to this blog.  I’m trying turn over a new leaf.  Post more stuff here and just crosspost it to the other places I frequent.  Enough about that… let’s get on with it.

Went see A-Trak last Tuesday at The Complex.  What is it with venues in Salt Lake City having these super generic names, anyway?  Of the two opening acts, I didn’t mind seeing Kid Sister, but Gaslamp Killer held no appeal for me.

I arrived fashionably late just as Gaslamp Killer’s set was ending.  Saw some friends, chatted for a second and patiently waited for Kid Sister to finish her set. Unfortunately for her, she was battling a cold and a messed up sound system. This did not bode well for A-Trak’s set, but I’m ever the optimist and I hoped for the best.

And that’s exactly what I got.  A-Trak came in there, showed us what he had… and left us wanting more.  Tight set that had me dancing for the entire time.  That’s quite a feat as my knees aren’t nearly as young as they used to be.  Anyway, here are a few pics of A-Trak’s set. Enjoy…