Even though I have my own domain (lilbrownboy.com), I rarely use my e-mail address(es) at that domain because I don’t have a personal computer to store that mail (I sold my PowerMac last year, and I haven’t replaced it quite yet… saving money).

So I’ve been using my “paid” Yahoo Mail account for just about everything. It is adequate, but not great. I awoke today to find my Yahoo Mail account had gone through a massive transformation. I went from a paltry amount of space available for my e-mail storage to 2GB. That’s right 2GB.

What does this mean? I will never have to delete a message ever again. I will never have to worry if a single attachment will clog up my account.

I went from 84% used capacity to less than 1%. I <3 Yahoo! --sam p.s. <3 = heart = love = lurve