Well… I’m back on the wagon. I’m counting calories and watching what I eat. I’m bound and determined to get into that bikin… uhm… my favorite clothes.

It’s not so much that I want to look good… I mean… have you seen me? I’m friggin’ HOT! 😉 I just need to get up on the health tip. Dig?

I’m also going to get in some exercise. I had been doing a bootcamp style workout, but I hurt my knee and haven’t exercised since. I’m thinking something that doesn’t go heavy on the knees like pilates, but can you have any street cred whatsoever if you’re doing pilates? ;p


p.s. I’m at 233 pounds right now. When I was dancing and doing my fair share of better living through chemistry back in the day I weighed in at about 195. According to the calculators I’ve seen… I’m supposed to be about 180… ouch! I got a long way to go. :/


  • Yeah, after the movie tonight?

    I am not longer eating any junk food.

    I will still occassionally get MExican or Calzones, but for the most part I am going to cut way down.

    Also more exercise.

    Jesse Dean

  • I dunno about those “calculators” because they always seem to be set at male model levels. I watched what I ate for almost two years and couldn’t crack the 200 mark–so obviously that 185 shit they suggested was only available to me if I started a serious workout regimen and ate nothing but wheatgrass and carrot juice.

    1. Yeah… my personal goal is pretty much 200. That is what I long considered my “natural” weight.



    Sam- Seems weightloss is a worldwide concern, thanks to Summer.

    You might look into modified Navy Seals PT. Basically you superset 10 reps of 6 exercises over 2-4 minutes per set. It’s upper body, designed to increase your pushup/sit up count. You start 10x situps, 10x pushups, then vary a stomach variation with a pushup variation to round off for six sets straight thru. Take 30 seconds, do another set, with the goal of 10 supersets. However, if you even do 3 supersets you’ll get somewhere and it only takes 12 minutes.

    F-k basic training. A girl I knew went to army basic training. She came back HEAVIER.

    The OCLibrary has the book for home delivery. Just search navy seals. I think the author is Stewart Smith.

    FWIW- Wing Chun has helped a few folks I know lose some weight. There’s a school on South Street (Vin Tsung Wing Chun) some blocks from Bumby. The thing is that it requires a lot of shoulder endurance. You’d be best to do the supersets daily for a month before going. It’s mostly hands. You don’t kick higher than the knee. It’s cool, though. You can do 2 weeks for $25, then it’s $75 or $85 a month. Brazilian Jujitsu is close to you, too, but for street cred it’s either Choy Le Fut or Wing Chun. Orlando has no Choy Le Fut schools, so go Wing Chun.

    All the best,
    Anthony T

    PS: In the meantime, just size up the hotpants. No one will know any different.


    Sam- Seems weightloss is a worldwide concern, thanks to Summer.

    You might look into modified Navy Seals PT. Basically you superset 10 reps of 6 exercises over 2-4 minutes per set. It’s upper body, designed to increase your pushup/sit up count. You start 10x situps, 10x pushups, then vary a stomach variation with a pushup variation to round off for six sets straight thru. Take 30 seconds, do another set, with the goal of 10 supersets. However, if you even do 3 supersets you’ll get somewhere and it only takes 12 minutes.

    F-k basic training. A girl I knew went to army basic training. She came back HEAVIER.

    The OCLibrary has the book for home delivery. Just search navy seals. I think the author is Stewart Smith.

    FWIW- Wing Chun has helped a few folks I know lose some weight. There’s a school on South Street (Vin Tsung Wing Chun) some blocks from Bumby. The thing is that it requires a lot of shoulder endurance. You’d be best to do the supersets daily for a month before going. It’s mostly hands. You don’t kick higher than the knee. It’s cool, though. You can do 2 weeks for $25, then it’s $75 or $85 a month. Brazilian Jujitsu is close to you, too, but for street cred it’s either Choy Le Fut or Wing Chun. Orlando has no Choy Le Fut schools, so go Wing Chun.

    All the best,
    Anthony T

    PS: In the meantime, just size up the hotpants. No one will know any different.