This is going to sound like an odd request, but here goes…

I need to verify if a person committed a crime (molesting a minor) in another state. It would have been before sexual predators were required to register themselves. How would I go about finding out this sort of information?

This is not an urgent request, but, I have heard rumors about someone that works with kids, and I’m giving the person the benefit of the doubt. But in the immortal words of Ronald Reagan, Trust, but Verify. who would have thought I would quote Ronald Reagan… sheesh

Thanks for any info you can provide.


  • How long ago did they institute the registry? Because if it’s as long ago as I’d guess, and the person in question hasn’t done anything since then (to get themselves added to the registry) they’re pretty much past the window where you’d think they would have reoffended if they were going to.

    Just sayin’. It’s still pretty sharp of you to be concerned.

    1. Yeah, I realize that, but it’s one of those things that I feel compelled to verify.


  • hi Sam – you may have already done this but if not try google for “background check” or “public records”… there are a bunch of sites that can find criminal records & addresses and such. Some are free but others cost between 19 and 50 bucks… good luck and happy new year!

  • If you know where this alleged act may have been committed you can look and see if the court records are on the internet. Quite a few cities have information on line now, I suspect it also includes any type of conviction, since those are public record too.