So I’ve been busy lately trying to meet new people locally. I figure the easiest way for me to do that is to go where the people I would want to hang out with are hanging out. For me that means going to bookstores and gaming stores. I suppose I could go to bars, but the idea here is to make new friends that aren’t drunk.

I’ve been to every single one of the local gaming stores. There are five. Three of them have gaming space. I’ve met a few people at each of the stores, but man it’s hard to keep track of names. I’ve met so many people in such a short period of time that they all start to run together.

On top of that, it definitely doesn’t help that I’m out of town three days a week. Mid-week is the prime gaming time for most people my age. I’ve met quite a few folks that have something going on Tuesdays through Thursday when I’m in Chicago.

That said, I’m playing in a D&D game already. Sunday afternoons at 1PM. Playing a Gnome Bard named Güsil Snapfingers (for those in the know… yes, I resurrected the name Güsil because I thought it fit).

Now all I need is for one of the local stores to commit to running a few D&D Minis and Dreamblade tournaments and I’ll be all set gaming wise. I still need to meet a lot more people before I find the few that will become my local friends.

I guess this is my way of saying I miss you guys back home. 😀



  • If you are looking for other gamers in general, some friends of a friend of mine live there as well. I’ve only met them once or twice, but I’d be happy to pass along information….

    1. I was going to, but I couldn’t sustain it through singing so I changed it to a more “Gnomish” accent.


  • If anyone can meet people, I would have to say it would be you. I’m sure you will get the scheduling part worked out eventually. has the drive been to Chicago?

    1. The drive is long and boring. It’s not so bad coming into the city, but going home is a killer because I’m tired.
