I was born in America, but my first language was Spanish (my mother is Dominican). When I was three, we moved to the Dominican Republic, but I eventually moved back to the States around my 6th birthday. I remember learning English and the extra thick accent I used to have. I’ve lost that accent entirely now, but I can dredge it up from the depths of my soul whenever I want to make a point. I also have a small knack for other accents. I guess something about learning to twist my tongue around the American accent made it pliable enough that I could twist it into others.

found a very cool site today.


It’s basically an archive of people with various accents saying the same phrase. It helps you get a feel for how a Greek person would say something vs. a Jamaican vs. a Russian. Very cool if you’re an accentophile like me. 🙂



  • Cool! I like BzzzPeek, which has Real Worldwide Children ™ making the sounds that different animals/objects make in their languages.

    1. Man… if that site doesn’t put a smile on your face, you’re an alien. 🙂


      1. Hey Sam… do you have David Butler’s email address? I dont have it and I need to get a hold of him somehow…I have treid calling already.. Thanks

      2. Hey Sam… do you have David Butler’s email address? I dont have it and I need to get a hold of him somehow…I have tried calling already.. Thanks

  • The Scottish one is my personal fav that you do. “If it’s not Scottish…. its Crap!” ;-P