In the column below, Media Matters for America will document and correct conservative misinformation in each news cycle. Media Matters for America will monitor cable and broadcast news channels, print media and talk radio, as well as marginal, right-wing websites that often serve as original sources of misinformation for well-known conservative and mainstream media outlets.


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  • That’s helpful, but who’s going to watchdog the liberal sources of misinformation?

    I mean, I can’t keep everyone up to date with the plain facts!


    1. I was thinking much the same when I ran across Media Matters…

      I suppose that’s where comes in. 🙂


      p.s. Congrats on the marriage. I know it sounds cheesy and you’ve heard this a lot over the last couple of weeks, but I’m really happy for you. I never thought I would see the day you settled down, but it has come… and the manner in which you did it makes me proud to know you. Lotsa love from O-Town 😀