They drive on the left side of the road in Thailand. Well… actually… to say they drive on a specific side of the road is misleading.

If there is oncoming traffic on a two-lane road they drive on the left side of the road.

If, however, there is no oncoming traffic, it is very likely that the person will simply drive in the middle of the road without any regard to the lanes that might be marked on the road.

Driving on the left side means that the steering wheel is on the right side.

Now lets jump over to Cambodia… They drive on the right side of the road with the same odd middle of the road driving that occurs in Thailand. To make it a bit more confusing… the cars in Cambodia have the steering wheel on the right side, just like in Thailand.

This has been the first of many Thailand Tidbits…

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  • I bet that’s bizarre if you live near the border and have reason to drive across it regularly.