I had an MRI on my knee last week, and based on that it appears that I will require arthroscopic knee surgery. That’s not a major issue, really. At least I don’t think so.

The real problem is that Liz and I are going to Thailand next month. I can either go to Thailand with a bum knee… thus limiting my ability to enjoy the trip. Or I can have surgery this week and go to Thailand with a bum knee… thus limiting my ability to enjoy the trip.

I believe this is somewhere between a Hobson’s choice or a Catch-22. Hmmm… Either way I’m going to Thailand. I don’t care if I’m on crutches or if I have to hire some Thais to carry me around in a Tuk Tuk no matter where I’m going.

Question for Liz… do you mind if I hire a bunch of Thais to carry me around? (It is to laugh… I kid.)


  • Is that userpic a picture of yo lil’ brown boy?


  • just remember that you can have 3 or 4 or 5 massages a day if you want, at $5 a pop.

  • It’s a picture of a lil brown boy, but I can’t say that it’s mine. I found it on the web and thought it was appropriate. 😉